Schedule an Appointment
Mental Health Counseling and Substance Use Treatment Services
for Individuals and Families in Prineville, Bend, and Redmond, Oregon.
Fund Our Future
Your gift to the Rimrock Trails Treatment Services endowment fund is an investment in the future. Contributions to the endowment fund are invested and managed by our financial advisement partner Edward Jones.
What is the Rimrock Trails Treatment Services Endowment?
An investment account funded by the Central Oregon community and outside areas which will provide annual investment income to Rimrock Trails Treatment Services. Your contribution to the endowment fund is one that keeps on giving. Rimrock Trails Treatment Services will only draw on the income and keep the principle intact. This means your initial donation will be supporting Rimrock Trails Treatment Services for years to come.
Why invest in the Rimrock Trails Treatment Services Endowment?
A healthy endowment provides financial sustainability and promotes the longevity of the Rimrock Trails Treatment Services. Your donation keeps on giving. The initial donation goes into the principle and will not be touched, providing perpetual investment income each year.
How to contribute to the endowment
One-time or recurring financial contribution
Stocks and mutual funds
Make a planned gift to the endowment by designating a charitable contribution to the endowment in your will or trust
Qualified Charitable Donation
IRAs often require a minimum distribution which is taxable. You can gift your IRA distribution to the endowment and the Rimrock Trails Treatment Services will receive the 100% of the funds with no tax.